2|Dakshika Re-Uniting


“Your in-laws want to do your roka ceremony today and engagement tomorrow. Everyone was discussing about that.” She replied and my heart raced like a wild stallion.

That means I had no chance for second thoughts.

“They are calling you downstairs.” She said and I had tears in my eyes.

“I don’t want to go,” I said crying a little.

Sunaina hugged me immediately and patted my shoulders to calm me down.

“Hey! Don’t worry we all are here. They’re just discussing it. If you don’t want to no one is going to force you.” She said softly and patted my back. She pulled back and asked gently.

“You want to come along or take some time?” 

I shook my head and said, “I’m coming”

I wiped my tears, put my heels on and headed downstairs.

As we were about to head into the living room my pulse raced knowing my future family would be there inside, he would be there inside. What if I don’t like him? Would I be able to convince everyone against this marriage? What if Dadi’s judgement was right?

As I pondered over these thoughts suddenly my steps haltered and I took a few deep breaths. Sunaina looked back at me. She held my hand and nodded assuringly. I also gave an affirmative nod. 

As we entered the living room, everyone grew silent and looked at us. I noticed my whole family was present there, and some of his family members were also there. I lowered my gaze and sat on the empty couch with Sunaina.

Sunaina came close to my ear and said “He’s not here,” barely above a whisper.

I was surprised upon hearing that and a little more than that. I sighed inaudibly and my body muscles relaxed instantly.

God! I can’t believe I was intimidated by him even when he was not here.

Soon their conversation drifted into my ears and I could no longer feel the heaviness in my heart.

“Our daughter-in-law indeed is very beautiful.” A lady said.

And that heaviness that had lifted a minute ago, came back in quick steps.

“And so is our son-in-law” Sunaina whispered to me.

“Shut up,” I mumbled softly.

“I wish Damad Ji was here with us today, both of them would have had the opportunity to chat before the engagement” I heard my mother saying.

“I agree but due to some unavoidable business meeting, he stayed back. But I assure you he will be here with us tomorrow morning.” A middle-aged man, who I was guessing was his father said.

“That’s fine. Work comes first.” My father said smilingly.

Gunita came in and placed the tray of Thandai on the table.

“How about we do the roka ceremony first and then enjoy the drinks comfortably?” The lady, I guess his mother, proposed.

“Yes. Why not” my father said. 

And my heart sank deeper only if it could.

My brother looked at me for some clue, if I was sure or not. But, what could I tell him when even I wasn’t sure?

“Itni jaldi kis baat ki hai? Ab hamara daur nahi hai yeh. Hamare hisab se kal tak ka sabar rakhna chahiye. Ladka-Ladki ka milna bhi zaroori.” My dadi-sa said. Don’t know why but that gave me some confidence and relief.

(why so much hurry? Now it's not our time period. According to me, we should wait till tomorrow. It's important for girl and boy to meet.)

“Yes, I believe now when there is an opportunity for them to talk comfortably, why not use it.” My brother said sensing my hesitation.

My father didn’t seem to agree a lot with this idea, although he smiled and nodded his head.

“Yes, why not, that’s also fair. Isn’t it?” Uncle expressed his viewpoint to his wife.

“Ji bilkul. Rasm aaj ho ya kal ek hi baat hai. Aur fir kal to Daksh bhi rasm mein shaamil ho sakenge” She said.

(Yes ofcourse. it's the same thing if ritual is performed today or tomorrow. And after all Daksh will also be able to join us tomorrow.)


I couldn’t understand why, simply hearing his name my heart throbbed wildly, as if hearing about him was making me feel reconnected.


Sunaina and I left the room later, leaving the elders alone and came back to my room. After closing the door we both lay down on the bed and started laughing a few seconds later. That was one hell of an experience for us.

“So, what do you think?” Sunaina asked.

“I feel lost,” I said and continued. “I’m not sure whether this decision is worth it or not. I’m confused.”

“What are confused about?” She said. 

“Sunaina I’m afraid of him being similar to Angad,” I said expressing my concern to her.

“Well, you will get to know that tomorrow. You can talk to him and clear all your doubts. And if you need help of any sort I’m there. Okay?” She said and I nodded.

“Yeah, you’re right probably.” I sighed deeply while thinking about what would happen next.

“But remember one thing, you have all the right to clear your doubts and uncertainty regarding this marriage with the man you meet tomorrow. But once you step into this marriage, don’t you ever question yourself or him or this relationship, because of your insecurities. It’ll only create misunderstandings. People are bound to make mistakes and so he might make one, but never judge him before clearing your misunderstanding. Everyone is not Angad, Radhika.” She said.

I listened to her, absorbing the message she was trying to convey. I realised that I could have done so in future because of my insecurities. And it would have been so wrong. Wrong to him, wrong to me, wrong to us.


“You understand me?” She asked I nodded.

“I’m getting what you’re saying. I’ll be careful of this.” I said and smiled looking at her.

“Buuaaaa” I heard Ishani calling out while running through the room.

“Awwww my babyyy….. come here,” I said while straightening up and picking her up in my arms.

She giggled wholeheartedly while I kissed her cheeks. She then crawled over to Sunaina who was still lying on the bed, Ishani made herself comfortable on her stomach and started playing.

“What is our Ishani doing up here?” Sunaina asked.

“Mumma callinnngggg youuu,” she said sweetly singing it.

I looked towards Sunaina and said, “We should go downstairs now”

She nodded and carried Ishani in her arms.

Upon reaching to the living room I noticed everyone was now settling towards the dining table as it was now time for lunch. We both hurriedly entered the kitchen and looked at Gunita working on food preparations. We started helping her. Gunita, Sunaina and I started serving everyone.

“It’s alright beta, you all can sit with us and we will serve everyone together,” Aunty said while smiling at me.

I looked at Sunaina and she looked back at me. We both glanced at my mother hesitantly not knowing what to do. She smiled at us and said.

“Come join us. We will serve while passing each other.”

We took our seats. And we all started serving ourselves. Bhai-sa and Bhabhi were sitting across the table with the guests and were having a hard time feeding Ishani.

“Bhabhiji how is your school doing? I’ve heard you have proposed some new transport facilities.” Uncle said.

And I noticed my father trying to hide his smile gleaming with pride.

“Ji, I wrote a letter to the state government four months ago we are expecting to hear from them soon.” My mother said.

“That’s great. You’re truly doing a great job. So since when will you start supervising it?” Aunty asked.

“I’m not obligated to show up there, most of the time it’s just that I have to read and sign the papers and order the subordinates. And if required then send letters and applications to higher authorities.” My mother replied to them.

“That is one admirable and straightforward work to be handled.” Uncle said.

“I’m sure you’re gonna get busy once wedding preparations start,” Aunty said teasingly.

“I know! We all are worried about how are we going to manage everything.” She replied.

“Everything is going to end up just fine. There is nothing to worry about when I’ll be helping you with everything.” My father said looking at her with an amusing smile.

My mother shied a little and everyone at the table laughed. Everyone got engaged with each other discussing the wedding preparations.

I looked over at Dadi-sa eating her food, and she seemed disinterested in this conversation. I did not know what was I supposed to do. Consider her argument of rejecting the proposal or giving it a chance. I was in bewilderment. 

On other days at our dining table, it was respectful, peaceful and loving. But today it was different. It felt like a caring family having light-hearted banter and open discussion about the responsibilities they would have to fulfil. I kind of liked this aura we had in our home today, and I guess so did others.

After lunch, the elders moved to the living room while Dadi-sa retired back to her room as she grew tired. Bhabhi took Ishani to her room helping her sleep. Gunita brought a tray of Kheer for everyone. I and Sunaina started serving the dish to the elders and then sat on the couch. Meanwhile, Bhabhi joined us.

“Ah! Well, this Kheer is extremely delicious.” Uncle said while savouring the taste of it.

“ Yes, Bhabhiji it’s incredibly tasty. I must say you’re gifted in the food department as well.” Aunty said while chuckling a little.

My mother laughed and replied.

“I did not make this. Our Sunaina made this Kheer. She’s good at it.”

“I would say perfect.” My bhabhi said while taking a bowl for herself. “She’s an expert in the sweets department.” She said while grinning.

I looked at Sunaina and saw her blushing hard.

“Sunaina it’s amazing,” Aunty said and she smiled looking at her.

“Beta what are you doing these days?” Uncle asked her.

“Ji…. I.. I’ve completed my Masters and I’m working under…. Bhai-sa’s guidance.” She said hesitantly.

“That’s impressive.” Uncle said.

“Are you looking for her marriage proposals as well Bhai Sahab?” Aunty asked my father leaving me and Sunaina dumbfounded.

“Ji we are. Once we are set free from Sunaina’s marriage we will soon fix her marriage too.” My father said.

“We are looking for a suitable boy for her, once we find him we will marry her off as soon as possible.” My brother smilingly.

Our faces were flushed as we did not see it coming. We sure knew she had to get married sooner or later but this soon? Tension crept on her face while listening to the elders. I did not know why but found myself grinning from the inside hearing about her marriage. But did not dare to show it on my face or she would smack it right here.

Afterwards, my father, Bhai-sa and Uncle walked out of haveli for a walk meanwhile the ladies engaged themselves in the wedding preparations. I came back to the kitchen to wash my hands and heard Sunaina complaining.

“How could he say that?” Sunaina said in a weak and annoyed tone.

“What?” I asked.

“Bhai-sa said he’ll marry me off as soon as possible. How could he say that? Does he not love me anymore? He doesn’t want to see me around anymore?” she said.

“It’s not like that Sunaina. He said so because he loves you. They are worried about your future. You know that right.” I said trying to convince her.

“I don’t want to get married. Not now, not ever.” She said sternly.

“Neither do I. But that is not how life works Sunaina.” I said in a gentle and soothing tone.

“Radhika!!” I heard Bhai-sa calling me. I looked at her and said.

“Let's go” I came out of the kitchen and found everyone present in the verandah.

“Ji bhai-sa,” I said

“We are escorting our guests to the other haveli while the rooms in this one get cleaned. Both of you please take care of the necessities that might be needed and bring them over.” He said.

“Ji Bhai-sa,” we said. And saw them departing from here.

Later we checked what all things were needed for them in the guest haveli and collected the stuff that was required for the guests like bedsheets, comforters, towels, slippers and others. Meanwhile, Gunjan was busy cleaning the guest rooms in this haveli. There still is a shortfall of electricity connections on the 3rd floor.

“Radhika didi!!” I heard Mukesh calling out while coming inside the haveli.

Mukesh was our house helper and the elder brother of Gunjan. He used to take care of the guest haveli.

“Yes,” I said.

“Sarpanch Saheb is asking for the belongings.” He said.

“Yeah here’s everything that is to be carried out there,” I said.

“Be careful with all the items and let us know if anything else is required,” Sunaina said and he nodded.

He carried everything with cautiousness and left for the guest haveli. Later we retired to our rooms as it was a very exhausting day for us.

I pushed back the curtains of my room. The sun was close to setting and evening was drawing near. I felt a little dizzy and lay on the bed and did not know when I fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard someone calling my name and urging me to wake up. I opened my eyes a little and found Avni Bhabhi sitting beside me.

“Get up Radhika. It’s time for dinner.” She said.

“Already,” I asked in my sleepy voice.

“It’s almost at 8 PM. You've been sleeping all evening.” She said while caressing my hair. 

And I immediately opened my eyes fully awake. I couldn’t believe I slept all evening. I straightened a little and sat next to her.

“I’m sorry I guess I was too tired,” I said while yawning.

“It's okay! Come down soon. Everyone is waiting.” She said and I nodded.

I got up and noticed I was wearing the same heavy orange suit. But I didn’t have enough time to change now as everyone was already waiting downstairs. I quickly freshened up, picked up my dupatta and rushed downstairs.

I found everyone was settling down. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and started helping others. We ate with easygoing and casual conversations. It definitely brings a smile to my lips.

After dinner, Baba-sa spoke up.

“Mukesh and I will see the electricity issue here meanwhile you escort our guests to the guest haveli,” Baba-sa said to my mother and she nodded.

“Sunaina and Radhika come along,” she said and we nodded.

We took water jugs along with us and reached the guest haveli that was next to our haveli. These two Havelis were connected by a long sheltered passage that had 10 pillars on each side, made up of big red stones. Upon reaching their rooms we settled the water jug on the side table and left them to retire for the night.

We came back and retired to our respective rooms for the night as well. It was a rollercoaster ride for me today. I had hundreds of doubts in my mind, while others were busy planning the rituals.

I lay on my bed as I felt utterly exhausted from the work and preparations today that I did not even have the energy to change. I also had to confront an important decision for myself. I started to recall what all had happened today.

His parents were very likeable so far. To them, my choices mattered. Now and then his mother would ask my opinion. I could easily sense they belonged to a respected and cultural family.

Would he also be like them?



I also got to know today that he has a younger brother, a sister and grandparents as well. He also had a fairly big family similar to mine. They were all expected to arrive tomorrow.

I wondered what my life would be like in a few days. I wondered if my happiness would last with him or not. I was a village girl from a middle-class family, whereas he was a city businessman belonging to a rich family. How will we operate our life together? What if he thinks low of me? Thousands of thoughts were running into my mind, scaring me.

I kept tossing and turning struggling to find sleep, irrespective of how tired I was. I looked over the clock only to find out it was going to be midnight soon.

Suddenly noise of water dripping out on the balcony caught my attention. I stepped down and walked over to the balcony, parted the curtains, only to find out that it had started raining heavily. All of a sudden a flash of lightning broke out, frightening me a little. I wondered how the weather changed within a few hours. The rain had brought down the temperature and I started to feel a little cold. I returned to the bed and wondered if the guests had enough warm blankets.

I picked up a black shawl and covered it over my head, hurried downstairs and checked that everyone else was asleep since it was midnight already. So without disturbing anybody, I walked towards the guest haveli through the passage in between.

I noticed two cars outside the gate, I assumed they were of his parents. Walking further down the passage I heard someone talking but couldn’t hear them because of the heavy rain. Entering the verandah of the guest haveli I turned right into a dimly lit hallway trying to follow the noise. But I lost it.

All of a sudden I bumped into someone very hard. It was like I hit my head with something huge and solid. It took me a moment to realise it was a man. A muscular and towering man. A stranger. I hit my head with his solid chest. I looked up at him scaredly, he was wearing a black kurta and his face covered with a turban cloth. I was about to scream out of fear.

He realised what was I about to do and he quickly covered my mouth with his right palm and pushed me back to the wall, pressing my back against it. Moonlight fell on both of us clearly and my shawl lowered from my head. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his.

And without any delay, I acknowledged those eyes. Eyes that have been clouding my dreams for months.

How could it be?

How could he be here?

I wiggled out of his hold to free myself and say something and he instantly grabbed my waist with his left hand and tightened his hold pulling me closer to his chest. Our chests almost collided with each and I gasped inaudibly.

“Sshhhhh…..” he hushed and pinned us against the wall leaving no space between us. I held onto his biceps with my hand in reflex.

He shook his head lightly signalling me to not scream. But did not remove his palm, awaiting confirmation I guessed. I nodded a little locking eyes with him fearfully. I witnessed a glimmer in his eyes and he removed his palm from my mouth slowly.

I mustered up a little strength and asked nervously.

“Kon hai aap aur yahan kya kar rhe hain,” 

(who are you and what are you doing here?)

His eyes softened and looked deep into my eyes as if he could see through them as if he owned them. A strong wind surfaced, pulling away the fabric and revealing his face. It was him. My heartbeats raced wildly. He flickered his gaze to my lips for a few seconds, licked his lower lip a little with an unreadable emotion and peered back deeply into my eyes, delving into my soul. He replied in the raw, masculine and resonating voice I had heard months before.

“Daksh naam hai hamara. Vivaah karne aaye hai aapse,”

(my name is Daksh and I've come here to marry you)

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